Tony Fish, the impact of Big Data for both organisations and customers

In aanloop naar het congres ‘Big Data in de Financiële sector‘ interviewden wij Tony Fish,Board advisor SBT Venture Capital, AMF Ventures, Entrepeneur and Author of the book ‘My digital Footprint’.

We vroegen hem o.a. naar de impact van Big Data op de samenleving en de kansen die hij ziet voor de financiële sector.

What is the impact of Big Data for both organisations and customers?

The impact could be significant if it were not for the incompetence and politics of people. People, not data, dive organizations and because we rely on trust we make mistakes. However new companies are coming which remove the human bias in decision making and the date speaks.

What are the possibilities of Small Data?

Data whether structured or unstructured, anonymized or personalized, big or small, flat or dimensional is data. Data is unless without algorithms and theorems. We now have some data but still don’t know what it means. Let’s focus on getting the right data to do the job.

What are the main possibilities of Big Data for organizations within the finance sector?

Removal of bias and human prejudice and the ability to add tractability

If you meet you on the first of April in 2020? What has been changed regarding Big Data?

The new normal will be that no one cares or talks about big data as it will be like mobile today – it is just part of doing business.

Congres Big Data in de Financiële sector

Op 17 maart 2015 vindt de 2e editie van het congres ‘Big Data in de Financiële sector‘ plaats. Hier hoort u o.a. van experts als Tony Fish alles over de (eerste) concrete bevindingen uit uiteenlopende toepassingsmogelijkheden in de financiële wereld.

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Euroforum is marktleider op het gebied van congressen, opleidingen en trainingen voor professionals en managers bij bedrijven, overheden en non-profit organisaties

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