Kansen voor Nederlandse Clean Energy bedrijven in China

China is now the largest and one of the most dynamic markets for cleantech in the world and offers significant opportunities for Dutch clean energy entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, many clean energy technology companies are insufficiently aware of the opportunities that China provides. Such opportunities could consist of market potential of the huge China market. For early and mid stage technology companies China could also provide interesting partnership opportunities that can lower the cost of commercialization and accelerate the commercialization worldwide. Therefore it is often wise to start incorporating internationalization and making the step to China at an early stage of strategic business planning. However, many companies do not know where to start in conducting business in China and what to plan for. A lot of growth and export potential may remain unexploited if an effective China strategy is not considered. In addition, the Netherlands and China have a joint MoU on energy collaboration that is largely focused on clean energy. Activities under this MoU seek to reinforce institutional and business collaboration between China and the Netherlands. NL Agency is the executing agency for this MoU on behalf of the Dutch government.

In this context FME-CMW, Azure International and NL Agency have developed this report on the business opportunities for Dutch clean energy technology companies in China. This report outlines the overall nature of those opportunities and makes clear the vast range of potential cooperation between the two countries across several areas of clean energy technology.

Download het complete onderzoek (pdf)

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