De toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer volgens Tomi Ahonen

Vrijdag 5 april zijn verschillende Nederlandse banken getroffen door een DDos-aanval. Eerder die week werden ING en Rabobank getroffen door een grote storing.
Premier Mark Rutte sprak tijdens zijnwekelijkse persconferentie over de internetstoringen in het betalingsverkeer van ‘een zorgelijke ontwikkeling voor het betalingsverkeer in Nederland’.

Reden om Tomi Ahonen, Bestselling author of 12 books in mobil, te vragen naar de toekomst van betalingsverkeer in Nederland:

What do you see as the most important challenge for the mobile financial market for the upcoming years?

“I think the most important challenge is adjusting to the vastly different speeds at which different countries embrace mobile money. In Japan, a very advanced industrialized country, mobile payments are used by 20% daily.

Daily! Even in most countries of high credit card adoption, most who have credit cards do not use them daily. Then we have emerging world countries typified by Kenya, where 48% of the total GDP already transited mobile phones last year 2012. But then look at say Germany, and mobile money is in embryonic stages.”

Which role does the banking sector has within mobile developments?

“A rapidly increasing role. I think currently the two industries in almost all countries are ‘very separated’ with very little overlap or convergence. That will rapidly change as innovations start to roll in around for example mobile wallets.”

What is your number one advise for the financial market?

“Experiment now! Get into it now. What ‘mobile money’ will bring is not a significantly ‘better’ way to move money from one pocket to another. What mobile brings to money, is digital always-on connectedness, where every payment terminal is also a POS terminal, where every device has a screen, keypad, can talk and can listen, and soon knows all our preferences and behavior. The opportunities in mobile and money convergence are in the ‘magical’ part of what was not possible with coins, banknotes, cheques, plastic etc in the past. But to discover those emerging opportunities requires a very traditional slow-moving banking sector to learn to be bold and take initiative and experiment. The winners will survive, some will even thrive. Those who refuse, may find themselves not to exist in the next decade..”

Meer weten?
Tomi Ahonen is de keynote spreker van het Congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer. Tijdens diverse presentaties, debatten en praktijkcases staat deze 14e editie in het teken van actualiteiten. Met onderwerpen als toekomst mobiel en elektronisch betalen, SEPA migratie, Big Data en uiteraard Cyber security. Meer informatie vindt u op de website van het congres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer.

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